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00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 10:11
La modifica che ho effettuato al manubrio della mia brutale, e che ho postato in un forum MV, ha fatto proseliti in giro per il mondo.

Guardate cosa un amico mi ha riportato:

ecco le conferme di RECIDIVO.

Has anyone with a Brutale changed there handlebars yet?

I have.....and what a difference! It rides like a completely new bike. Handles much better and looks amazing! The bars that I purchased are "Magura's" and Ducati uses them on there S4R monster. They are lower and more aggressive looking. Plus the feel/seating position is more aggressive too! I am 6'1" tall and always felt too upright on my bike. Now I am sitting a little more like I am on a superbike and strechted out more! But still very comfortalbe.

I would highly recommend them!

John USA, California
-- John Sbarro (, November 17, 2004


Yo! That is good for you, considering your size! It all depends, everyone is unique on their own little way. Some guys maybe 5 ft tall and may find it quite difficult. some guys is very well fitted with the standard set-up. You find it superb when you did your modifications. The most important is -- have a safe ride! Cheers!
-- AJ (, November 18, 2004.

It'd be great if you could post a picture.

I'm 5'10" and the Brutale's current geometry is near perfect for me. One reason I did not go for the Ducati Monster was its forward's just too uncomfortable a riding position for any rides longer than 15 minutes. Obviously, this is why I don't own an F4 either, much as I'd love to.

One day I hope to hit the track and I'm sure I'll then be looking for a more aggressive riding stance.
-- Tom Solimine (, November 18, 2004.

Hi, Do you have some pics. I have my Brutale for sale but will not be giving it away, so I will probably be keeping it. If I do I was thinking of some new bars and some adjustable rear sets. I am 6.2" and need a little more leg room and some wider bars. Are the bars you fitted wider? A slightly lower riding position would be no problem.

-- Brad Smith (, November 18, 2004.

Hi John, i wonder how you arranged the fittings etc which are in the original handlebar to fix the switchhousings and morriows, no problems with the throttle cabels lenght?...pls let me know, thank you and mv regards

-- diego (, November 19, 2004.

Thanks for all of you that responded!

I will try and post a picture as soon as I can. If I can't post them, then I will e-mail a picture to those who wanted one.

For Brad: The bars will make a huge difference for you! Being tall like me you will love the change. I was thinking of some rear sets too but I am still not sure which ones I like yet? With the new bars I feel more connected to the bike....I feel like I have more control and can respond to an emergency more efficiently!

For Diego: First I liked to complement you on you website! Nice job...I have it saved on my favorites and check for new things everyweek. Ajusting the fittings/switchhousings was not that difficult. You just have to have a few extra hands to help you see were they need to be mounted for clearance sake. There is about a 1/4" now between my directional switch and the gas tank/air box inlet. Holes were drilled in the new bars to help keep all switchhousings in place just like they were for the original bars. It worked out perfectly! The only cable that needed a little adjustment was the front brake cable....a minor upward ajustment of the fitting near the throttle was all that was needed to help the cable from hitting/rubbing on the lower front fender.

I love this bike! It is amazing and I don't get to ride it enough!!

-- John Sbarro (, November 27, 2004.

Thank you 4 the nice comment on -Diego
-- Diego (, December 05, 2004.

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00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 10:13
mah! dubito!

secondo me ti sei attivato un po di caselle di posta elettronica dai nomi fantasiosi e ti sei scritto i complimenti da solo...[SM=x35596] [SM=x35596] [SM=x35596] [SM=x35596]
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 10:15
Ammazza che risonanza! Evidentemente la modifica deve essere super valida! complimenti!
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 10:18
ebbravo il Reci!
Chissà che la modifica non arrivi anche alle orecchie di MV e inizino a montarlo di serie!
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 10:34
faccela vedere sta modifica! p.s. postala in "non solo monster" e non in "vivere il monster" ih ih ih [SM=x35583]
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 13:23
mah nulla di che.. scusa reci ma tanti altri hanno fatto modifiche al proprio monster e sono stati copiate o riprese da altri, senza per tanto andare in giro a darsi arie [SM=x35596] [SM=x35593] [SM=x35596]

sarà che l'hai fatto in un forum internazionale, in inglese, ma la sostanza è quella!!

see ya man
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 13:32
dovevi andare all'ufficio brevetti...ti saresti fatto i soldoni...
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 14:12
Ma che puffo vanitoso il nostro Recidivo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![SM=x35593] [SM=x35593] [SM=x35593]
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 21:09
E ti vanti anche di una cosa simile???

Quindi ammetti che la Ducati ti mancava troppo e hai dovuto trapiantarne un pezzetto su quel coso a 4 cilindri per divertirti un pò????[SM=x35583] [SM=x35583] [SM=x35583]
00lunedì 28 febbraio 2005 21:32
invece di lodarti tanto....

dì ai tuoi compagni di merende che per evitare di sbattere il manubrio modificato nel serbatioio si ricordino di mettere i feltrini antigraffio......come hai dovuto fare tu!!

"excuse me sor recidiv.....uer ai mett the feltrins in the benzin tank???"
[SM=x35584] [SM=x35584] [SM=x35584]
00mercoledì 2 marzo 2005 20:19
Il manubrio della Brutale è un po' alto e troppo vicino...adatto a chi è sotto il metro e modifica con il manubrio dell'S4R porta vantaggi all'ergonomia dei più alti
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